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Comprehensive psychological assessment service




About Us

Learning Lab Psychology is a comprehensive psychological assessment service to help identify individual intellectual capacity, cognitive functioning, and/or learning strengths and weaknesses for children aged 6+ years, adolescents, and adults.

Our in-person assessments are available in Adelaide and its surrounding areas.

Our Services

What is a Psychological Assessment?

Our psychological assessments are performed by a psychologist and involve a series of tests, interviews and behavioural observations to better understand an individual and their learning needs.

These assessments are sometimes referred to as psycho-educational assessments, learning assessments, or diagnostic assessments.

Why request an assessment?

The pathway towards an assessment differs depending on its purpose. For example, parents/caregivers may want to better understand their child's level and rate of academic progress, or their child's overall academic progress. In other situations, parents/caregivers may want to understand whether their child has a Specific Learning Disorder that is affecting their child’s academic progress.

The information obtained from a psychological assessment can provide guidance for families, schools, teachers, and health service providers.

When to request an assessment?

There is no set time as to when a psychological assessment should be completed.

For most individuals, the earlier an assessment occurs, the better. This means targeted and individualised support can be put in place sooner. An exception to this rule is when an assessment is requested specifically to make a diagnosis of a Specific Learning Disorder (e.g., Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, or Dyscalculia). Under current diagnostic guidelines an individual who is suspected of having a Specific Learning Disorder, must have received a period of intervention prior to undergoing the diagnosis process.

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What do we assess?

We offer different assessments that are tailored to the needs of the individual. Learning Lab Psychology can assess the following areas:

Psycho-Educational (Learning) Assessment

A comprehensive assessment of cognitive ability and academic skills. This assessment is suited for individuals who need a detailed investigation into their abilities and specific difficulties. This will provide information regarding their learning strengths and weaknesses, and general learning difficulties.

Where appropriate, a diagnosis of the following Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) may be made:

  • ‘Dyslexia’ – A specific learning disorder with impairment in reading.
  • ‘Dysgraphia’ – A specific learning disorder with impairment in written expression.
  • ‘Dyscalculia’ – A specific learning disorder with impairment in mathematics.

Cognitive Assessment

A comprehensive assessment of intelligence for individuals who would like more information regarding their cognitive ability (strengths and weaknesses), or to assess specifically for giftedness. Literacy or academic skills are not included in this type of assessment.

Intellectual Disability

A comprehensive assessment to determine an individual’s level of intellectual ability or learning potential. This assessment is undertaken when there are concerns of severe impairments in an individual’s cognitive functioning and adaptive behaviours. Adaptive functioning refers to the skills that are needed for daily, independent living. This includes communication, social skills, the ability to maintain personal hygiene, and the ability to function at school or work

The Assessment Process

After you contact us, we will first ensure that our assessment service is best suited to assist you. Any background questionnaires and forms will be provided to you and require completion prior to a pre-assessment discussion, which will be scheduled prior to the assessment session.

The time needed to complete the assessment session is dependent on the type and level of testing being completed, and the individual’s performance. This can range between 90 minutes and four hours. Individuals are offered a break as needed, and the activities are designed to keep children on task and engaged with the assessment process.

The assessment session may be followed by a scheduled de-brief discussion (as requested). A comprehensive written report will be emailed to you within 20 business days from the assessment session. Further details related to our assessment process will be provided following your initial enquiry.


The fees for our psychological assessments vary depending on the purpose of the assessment. Please contact us to discuss the fees and payment terms.

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Contact Us

You do not need a referral to access Learning Lab Psychology’s psychological assessment service.

Please fill in an enquiry form below to start the process:

Alternatively for more information or to make a booking please email us:

We will be in touch within two business days.

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